Welcome to Esher Periodontics in Esher, Surrey

We are happy to be welcoming both existing and new patients and are able to start new treatments.

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is the treatment of 'Periodontitis',  a common oral disease characterised by inflammation and infection of the structures supporting the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and jawbone.

Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss if left untreated, and it requires professional dental treatment to manage the infection, reduce inflammation and prevent further damage to your oral health.

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What are the Most Common Treatments & Procedures?

At Esher Periodontics we specialise in providing a comprehensive range of dental and oral health treatments. Our skilled dental team is dedicated to delivering personalised care that addressed our patient's periodontal concerns - ensuring oral wellbeing.

Although all dental plans are tailored to our patient's needs, our most popular treatments include:

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